GraphTea is an open source software, crafted for high quality
standards and released under GPL license. You can find more details
about the source code and issue tracket on Github.
It is a perfect tool for Students, Teachers, Researchers, Game Developers and much more
The best framework for:
Drawing your graphs,
Simply using mouse, draw any kind of directed/undirected graphs and make them look special using the property editor.
Graph generators, (located under Generate Graph menu) will create these graph categories for you, based on the parameters that you provide:
- Banana graph
- Path
- Circle
- Pm*Pn
- Cm * Cn
- Star graph
- wheel graph
- K(n/d)
- Generalized Peterson
- Helm Graph
- 2partite complete graph
- Tripartite complete graph
- Complete graph
- Regular graph
- Random graph
- Random tree
- ...
Graph operations, (located under Operations menu) help you apply these graph operations on your graphs:
- Complement graph
- Power graph
- Line graph
- Paraline graph
- Total Graph
- Vertex Semitotal Graph
- Edge Semitotal Graph
- Barycentric subdivision graph
- Cartesian Product
- Union
- Disjunction
- Symmetric Difference
- Composition
- Sum
- Corona Product
For definitions and more details see this.
Getting information about your graphs,
Reports, (located under Reports menu), provide you with information about your graph. You can test your conjectures about different graphs. They include:
- Max Independent Set
- Number Of Triangles
- number of quadrangle
- Number of Stars
- Vertices Degrees List
- Is Eulerian
- Edge Degree
- Is Bipartite
- Max and Min Degree
- Number of Vertices
- Maximal Cliques
- Random Matching
- Graph Girth Size
- Maximum Cut
- Edges Degrees List
- Number of Edges
- Connected Components
- Number of Paths of Length 2
- Number of Vertices with Deg k
- Total Number of Stars
Minimum Spanning Tree
- Prim
- Hamiltonian Path
- Hamiltonian Cycle
Subtree Counting
- Number of Subtrees
- Min Cut
- Max Flow
- All Vertex Colorings
- Chromatic Number
- Maximum Matching
- Gomory-Hu Tree
- Spectrum of Adjacency
- Spectrum of Laplacian
Currently we are developing more reports on Topological Indices.
Running algorithms,
(located under Algorithms menu), step by step on your graph and
see how they work. this is very usefull for teaching graph algorithms.
you can pause, and it shows the current state of algorithm by coloring
edges and vertices. This is the best tool to learn and teach graph
algorithms, currently involving:
- Dijkstra
- Kruskal
- Prim
- Maximum flow
- Minimum cut
- Inclusion-exclusion coloring
- Acyclic checker
- Approximated vertex cover
- Biconnected components
Visualizing your graphs,
, you made a social network from your database and want to
represent it in a meaningfull way? use the visualizations (located
under Algorithms menu).
Present your graphs,
in your papers, websites or reports. GraphTea has a wide range of
options to draw graphs, having different colors for edges and vertices.
different borders and fonts and sizes and ... when you finish drawing
your graph, you can save to a image file or even to a Latex document to
put in your report. then you can use latexcad app, to further refine
your graph.
and much more
you can make new graph generators, graph reports, file types, actions,
algorithms by writing extensions. extensions provide a gateway to add
new functionalities as simple as putting a file to extensions directory.
you can write them using Java and Matlab. moreover you can write new
extensions using any programming language that supports redis which
includes almost any wellknown programming language. for more samples
take a look at extensions directory